Author: admin

  • What’s Going On?

    So I wake in the morning and I step outsideAnd I take a deep breath and I get real highAnd I scream from the top of my lungs“What’s going on?” Linda Perry – 4 Non Blondes – song “What’s Up?” —– “The future is already here – it’s just unevenly distributed” William Gibson – author… Read more

  • What Are You Afraid Of? Grab ’em by the brain.

    dtrump once said about women that he could “grab ’em by the pussy” I find it somewhat ironic that one of the first words that comes to mind when hearing this is “vulgar”. Vulgar is a Latin word meaning “common” or “pertaining to ordinary people.” Sadly, but not surprisingly, a large part of his support… Read more

  • The Real Choice We Face

    The Real Choice We Face In This Election Year This year we will vote for one U.S. President and MANY OTHER GOVERNMENT POSITIONS from the Local to the Federal level. The people who are elected will encourage/enable or discourage/disable the move toward authoritarian governance in the U.S.A. History – how have authoritarians come to power… Read more

  • Why Should I Vote?

    Why bother?It’s inconvenient. It takes too much time. It doesn’t matter anyway. What difference does 1 vote make? Frequently heard questions and comments. As an individual it’s often hard to see our own single impact on the bigger picture. Most others won’t notice if I recycle or not, if I try to save electricity or… Read more

  • Enemies, Allies and Action

    Most humans have some self-awareness or sense-of-self which includes some amount of self-esteem – a sense of value or self-worth. There is a wide range of self-assessment, and many of us may often slide into some level of arrogance or ego that might be annoying to others, but generally does not lead to outright conflict.… Read more

  • The only constant is Change

    Wow – timeline so far this year: however, several weeks later … The “uncertainty index” seems high, but not as high as other times in history (war, depression, etc.) Over the next few weeks, a lot of people will make a decision and vote: Who should lead the Executive Branch of our Federal Government? The… Read more

  • Common Enemies

    Throughout history humans have worked together to face common enemies. Whether it was “barbarians” or Huns or “redcoats” or “commies”, the threat of a common enemy would make people overcome their minor differences and work together to defend themselves. For most of recorded history these common enemies have been physical and they have been “others”… Read more

  • Choices

    “boomers REALLY need to leave the stage at this point” (online reaction to biden-trump debate) Like many Americans I am fatigued by the seemingly hopeless swirl of our recent politics. (It is stunning to me that 300+ million of us have only come up with a choice between 2 old rich white men.) The US… Read more