Why Should I Vote?

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Why bother?
It’s inconvenient. It takes too much time. It doesn’t matter anyway. What difference does 1 vote make?

Frequently heard questions and comments.

As an individual it’s often hard to see our own single impact on the bigger picture. Most others won’t notice if I recycle or not, if I try to save electricity or not, if I donate to charity or not. As an individual it’s often easy to assume my personal choices will have very little impact on the world.

But what does make an impact is when large numbers of people move in a certain direction. When large numbers started using cars instead of horses. When large numbers went to school and became literate and started reading. When large numbers responded to aggressive dictators. Change can come fairly fast when large numbers of people decide to act.

But those numbers only become large by one person at a time. Each of us watches those around us and we each give and receive information – in the form of words, gestures, behaviors, etc. We need to interact with others in our communities in order to have a good life. So if we see most others in our community acting in a way that we don’t initially agree with, we may be slow to speak out against it. Over time it can become normalized and (at least subconsciously) accepted. But occasionally we get glimpses of how things can improve, and we can consciously choose to be or act differently. It may be easy or it may have high risks and require great bravery. Your old ‘tribe’ may kick you out – but there are other tribes.

Eventually enough people can get together and eventually a new majority emerges. This new majority will be perceived as a threat by many in the ‘new minority’. Don’t give them evidence that they might be right. Don’t abuse or assault their intelligence or morals. Try to understand and accept them – or at least tolerate them – as much as possible. But there’s also no need to be completely passive. You have a right to defend the new ways – the new majority voice. But it must come from strength of confidence, not just facades from arrogance.

So be brave.
Do your homework. Look seriously at the risks involved.
Your vote matters. There are many who want you to think it does not. They want to make it hard for you to vote. Don’t let them win. Make it a priority. Take the time – ask if you need help – make your voice heard.

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